Psychosocial Support for NICU Parents
In neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) distress is the companion of everyone. Fragile babies struggle to survive and grow. Parents and families worry, while trying to stay hopeful. NICU staff work to deliver complex critical care and attempt to avoid burnout. How do we support vulnerable families and staff? Psychosocial support can help.

Care of Late Preterm Infants
These multidisciplinary guidelines give healthcare providers and others a road map that focuses attention on the unique needs of late preterm infants from birth through early childhood.

NICU Discharge Preparation and Transition Planning
Our neonatal community is committed to delivering equitable, comprehensive, family-centered NICU care. But growing evidence tells us that there is an unmet need. We need improved NICU discharge planning that more fully supports the transition from the NICU to home and community. The publication of our interdisciplinary guidelines and recommendations will provide a state-of-the-art framework to reach this goal.

Mental Health
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) are common - and treatable. NPA partners with allied organizations like Postpartum Support International to promote awareness, advocate for positive interventions, and inspire hope. LEARN MORE.

Best Milk: Optimal Infant Feeding
(birth - 2 years)
The National Perinatal Association has convened an interdisciplinary workgroup to develop recommendations and guidelines for the promotion, support, and achievement of optimal human milk feeding for all infants. Our shared purpose is to develop coordinated, interdisciplinary solutions that address the challenges - and remove the barriers - that keep families from reaching their feeding and nutrition goals.

Perinatal Substance Use
NPA cares about pregnant and parenting people who are substance dependent and their babies. We believe that by working together we can improve the standard of care for these families and effect better outcomes. JOIN US.
No matter how you do it...
nursing, pumping, hand expressing, breastfeeding, chestfeeding, body feeding, on your own, with support, with the help of a donor, for one day, or one year, or maybe longer... and especially when you make the choice that is best for you and your baby. SEE OUR INCLUSIVE CAMPAIGN.

Prematurity Awareness
During Prematurity Awareness Month (November) we honor families affected by preterm labor and birth, recognize the impact a stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) can have on a baby and family, and show our appreciation for the health professionals who care for the them. JOIN US.

NICU Awareness
NICU Awareness Month is designed to honor families experiencing a stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and the health professionals who care for the them. The National Perinatal Association, in collaboration with Project Sweet Peas, has created this TOOLKIT to help you raise NICU Awareness.
As our community faces a new and novel virus we need to be prepared - not just for the virus but for people's anxieties and fears. One of the most important things we can do as providers and advocates is to empower people with information. When we all have the facts it's easier for us to make informed decisions. LEARN MORE.

RSV Awareness
Really Scary Virus (October)
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is one version of the common cold. For most healthy children and adults it causes a slight cough, nasal congestion, and mild fever. But for babies that were born prematurely or have certain health conditions, RSV can be much more serious. GET THE INFORMATION YOU NEED.
Online Staff Education
The National Perinatal Association and NICU Parent Network (NPN) have partnered to bring you innovative online staff education. EXPLORE OUR COURSES.

NPA works with allied professionals and partners to create smart, timely, relevant programs that tackle some of the most complex and compelling issues that face our communities. LISTEN HERE.

NPA has collaborated with our partners at the NICU Parent Network (NPN) to bring you webinars on topics of interest to families and their providers.
NPA Student Society (NPASS)
NPASS brings a unique blend of interdisciplinary education, scholarship, advocacy, and service to student communities. LEARN MORE.
National Network of NICU Psychologists
NNNP members work to optimize care for NICU infants and their families through direct family involvement, staff support, research, and education. LEARN MORE.