Other Important Considerations
Military Families
This section focuses on discharge planning conducted with military families.
The Department of Defense’s Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is an invaluable resource for families who have children with special medical and developmental needs.
NOTE: Military families are not a homogenous group. What applies for one family may not apply to all military families.
For military families, there may be issues associated with frequent moves, including the following:
change of medical providers/facilities
care records kept in multiple locations
access to services that varies by location
Some families are cared for in military hospitals. Others are cared for in civilian hospitals. Other families experience a hybrid of military and civilian hospital care.
Military families in military facilities face similar issues as those in civilian facilities (e.g., deployment, frequent relocations, and heterogeneity of local resources).
Military medical facilities use the same electronic medical record. When a family is in military medical facilities, their records will be available because they follow them between military medical facilities. Military medical facilities have no access to medical records from civilian hospital unless the family brings/provides them.
Therefore, when families are in civilian institutions, they must obtain and keep a copy of their records to provide to their military providers. Given this, there is potential for lack of transfer or loss of medical records when medical care is a hybrid between military and civilian facilities.
Some parents will be deployed and therefore not able to be physically present in the NICU. The following are helpful for deployed parents:
During the NICU hospitalization, include the deployed parent as much as possible in the decision making.
Use video conferencing - when possible - to allow a deployed parent to participate in discharge education.
Define what conditions and circumstances would mandate bringing a deployed parent back from deployment.
Non-military individuals (e.g., extended family members, friends, clergy, etc.) may be allowed into military facilities to provide support to military families.
IMPORTANT: In life and death situations where a member of a military family is not present because they are deployed or stationed in another location, the Red Cross offers assistance. The Red Cross will confirm the dire prognosis directly with the medical team. Once the Red Cross has confirmation of the situation, they will reach out to the parents’ commanding officer to inquire about parental leave. The commanding officer will decide if they will grant the parental leave. If parental leave is granted, the Red Cross will help arrange and provide financial relief, if needed, for the transport.

Follow Up Considerations
In order to assess for appropriate community resources and follow-up care, find out
where the family is currently living and where they will be living after discharge.

Primary Care Contact
Plan for transition of care to a medical home or team of providers, because military families may not have consistent providers for care.

Discharge Summary
Provide family with a copy of the entire medical record to take to their next destination.
If this is not possible, provide the family with a copy of the discharge summary or information about how to obtain a copy of the discharge summary and/or medical record after discharge from the NICU.

Support Programs
If a family is military-connected, offer to use military resources available to the family. To access military resources, visit Military One Source or call 1-800-342-9647.
Military chaplain care services are available via Military One Source’s extensive spiritual support networks.
The NICU discharge team should become familiar with the resources available through the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). They provide guidance on accessing TRICARE benefits, connecting with support services, and exploring opportunities for relocating to areas where appropriate services are available.
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a program where civilian and military programs are coordinated to provide community support to families and help them meet their medical, educational, and housing needs. EFMP can help ensure that a family does not get moved to an area that doesn’t have the needed services.
The Educational and Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS) provides comprehensive developmental services, including early childhood special education, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, social work support, and child psychology for families located over seas or at limited installations in the United States.

Home Visitation
Remind active-duty military families that New Parent Support Program Home Visitation may be available for up to 36-48 months if the family resides near a military installation. Families may obtain contact information through Military OneSource, 800-342-9647.


TRICARE Insurance is the health care insurance for active-duty and active-reserve military families. Information is available at www.tricare.mil
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) enrollment is required within 30 days of the infant’s birth.
TRICARE will help a family find a provider who accepts their insurance.
TRICARE provides a nurse advice line. You can call or text 1-800-TRICARE (1-800-874-2273).
Under TRICARE, many infants in active-duty families will be eligible for Extended Health Care Option for respite care, ABA clinical intervention, etc.
Encourage families to discuss their needs with a TRICARE representative.
TRICARE insurance is not universally accepted and the providers a family can see may be restricted. It can be a challenge to obtain services, especially mental health services.
If the infant of a medical family will require medical transport, coordinate with family’s medical insurance (TRICARE). Contact the Relief Society for that service if transport causes financial distress for family. The Relief Society for each branch of service may be obtained through Military OneSource, 800-342-9647.