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Anticipatory Guidance
Infant Behavior
Prior to discharge, families need anticipatory guidance about their babies' changing behaviors. What is typical? And when should should they be concerns?
It's especially important to talk about infant feeding, how many diapers the baby might make and what their bowel movements might look like, and how their sleeping patterns might change.
Families also need to understand atypical infant behaviors, as well as signs and symptoms of potential illness.

What Families Should Know about Infant Behavior
Prior to discharge, families should understand typical, expected infant behaviors including feeding, voiding and stooling, and sleeping patterns.
Families also need to understand atypical infant behaviors, as well as signs and symptoms of potential illness.

Discuss typical and atypical infant behaviors. Talk about how their babies' behavior might change during the transition from NICU to home.
Help families understand and respond to their babies cues.
Explain which infant behaviors might be are signs that the baby needs medical attention.
What will things look like when we go home?
Understanding baby's cue
How to console an infant... and what to do when the crying doesn't stop
Preparing for emergencies and staying safe
Adapting to the "new normal" and
coping with complicated emotions
Managing medical bills and the "hidden costs" of the NICU

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