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Anticipatory Guidance
Paying for a NICU Stay


The costs associated with a NICU stay continue long past a family’s discharge.
Families will not receive the final bills until the baby has been home for some time.

Many families will be unprepared to navigate all the financial burdens associated with NICU hospitalization and follow-up care on their own.
Offering families clear anticipatory guidance to help families understand how to manage the costs.
Offer every family financial counseling and resources. Help them apply for assistance.
Provide them the referrals and letters of medical necessity that can help remove barriers to the care their infants need.
Each family should be offered this service regardless of perceived means.

Social work or case management are often the best prepared to engage families in discussions about finances.


Paying for a NICU Stay

While we seldom talk about it in the NICU, we all know that the care that is delivered there is expensive. Even if  their medical expenses are covered, there are still costs associated with travel, meals, accommodations, parking, and lost wages
Many families will struggle to put the resources in place to pay their  bills and continue to provide care for the infants after they're discharged.
Compassionate, responsive, respectful professionals and providers can help families navigate applying for assistance and finding resources in your community.

  • Arrange for the family to meet with social worker or case manager about potential financial burden associated with NICU and follow up care.

What will things look like when we go home?

Understanding baby's cue

How to console an infant... and what to do when the crying doesn't stop

Preparing for emergencies and staying safe

Adapting to the "new normal" and
coping with complicated emotions

Managing medical bills and the "hidden costs" of the NICU

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